Welcome To GrandMother Speaks...
The Oversoul Dialogues
KA'ryna Asks and GrandMother Speaks...
Messages from the Ascended Heart
of Feminine Presence
What is the “Mother” of all questions aching for answers in your heart?
The ancient well of the feminine waters of wisdom rises up and calls forth the depths of our embodied light…
Her Message to you…
“Accept the Invitation of Life”…
Be embraced and held in the Power of Love and Receive!
“Acknowledge the Promise of Love”…
Be aligned within the radiant core of Truth and Restore!
“Actualize the Gift of Grace”…
Be stilled by the Power in Presence and Rise!

"Centered in deep calming awareness
through each moment of life…
We walk through the vapor of innocence,
The mist of transfiguration,
arriving on the other side of belief
To the space of awakened beauty.
The shimmering glow of the hidden dimensions
arises in our living breath...
Welcoming us home to our ever-bearing
fruitful nature of intact wisdom."
Known as "The Eternal Goddess of the White Lotus"...
GrandMother's messages represent an awareness and teaching from our holy intact nature or the immaculate presence of pure causal unified being.
Untouched and unconcerned by the ways and whims of day-today existence, GrandMother is the voice that whispers Love to every fragmented soul and roars with the power of radiant Grace in the Face of all that opposes our true spiritual heart.
GrandMother is the embodiment of an ancient sage who has witnessed much yet stills holds the tenderness of a child at heart.
A Masterful and Majestic Soul with a Playful Heart of Joy.
Like any GrandMother she Loves her children dearly, yet holds them aloft and aloof so that they may fly, falter and once again soar to the Heavens and Beyond.
Heart Harmonic's Healing ~ Divine Dispensations Sessions
To book a session with KA'ryna SH'ha
go to "Sessions"and Sitting in Council
Through radiant and holy anointing with the Golden Light of Grace...
GrandMother dilates our heart to receive the gifts of revitalization, restoration and revelation from any inner conflict.
Through a powerful transference of Amrit (divine spiritual nourishment)...
We are offered healing gifts to sustain and nurture our body and being with Divine Love.
Her loving Gaze...
Uplifts and purifies the mind with harmonizing codes to restore the proper spin in each chakra within the sacred living matrix of our spiritual body.
As we take in this radiant transference of Golden Grace...
We are given the opportunity to activate dormant D.N.A codes that align us with our deepest mission on earth and the highest vision of our ascended nature.