A Mass Convergence
Tue, Nov 22
|A Mass Convergence ... Online on Zoom
Together from around the world, we enter into this Cosmic Moment to experience a Cosmo-Genesis at the Dawning of this New Epoch... We Are Here, and in our Hearts is the remembering and revelation, now is the time to pass through Golden Gateways....Breathe, Soften and Sound Thy Holy Name.

Time & Location
Nov 22, 2022, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST
A Mass Convergence ... Online on Zoom
About the event
KA'ryna SH'ha recieved this calling in her heart when she heard the words "A Mass Convergence" 11-22-2022 .... with this date came a profound Dispersal of Presence, an Illumined Guidance, and an Acknowledgment of its Universal Acceleration on Earth.
Join with Us online...Gather in your Circle of Light and bring it into Our Unfolding Miracle of Grace...
The One-World Gnosis (Sacred Knowledge) is found beneath the foundation of our quest for Self Mastery.
A unified field of all possibilities reveals the stored messengers...codes, codons and electrons stimulating a cellular frequency shift!
Our collective amnesia is lifting as sacred communion and community are opening the keys within us all...Our "Cosmic Consciousness" wake up call to action.
Experience & Expansion:
Through attunement, each participant is offered the opportunity to experience superluminal waveforms (fractally embedded light) with:
* Profound invocations
* Language of light mantras
* Embodiment principles through deep body relaxation
* Sacred sounding
* Divine messages
* Heart-centered intention setting
Enliven & Enrich:
* Come to the Core Calling in The Heart of Your Heart
* Embrace the Divined Design Welcoming You Home
* Rise Up and Embody the Depths of the Unseen Support always here for You.
Enlighten & Edify :
Join together in Harmonic Heartedness, encircling humanity, nature, All Living Presence, and Mother Gaia in a Mass Convergence of Living Radiant Grace....The Presence that Surpasses all Understanding.
About KA'ryna SH'ha:
For over 30 years, KA’ryna SH’ha has been honored to share her wisdom and awareness with those ready to acknowledge the “Gift” of who they truly are.
Her passion for ceremonial performance and sacred musical arts, have manifested in breathtaking multi-sensory events that transport guests into realms of pure bliss!
Merging diverse talents of… * Visionary Spiritual Arts * Transformative Teachings * Sacred Writings * Living Light-Songs and Sacred Instrumentations * With Guided Meditative Transmissions
-KA’ryna offers us the opportunity for profound and simultaneous shifts in how we align and harmonize ourselves with our true nature.
Her deepest devotional calling is to immerse humanity in a direct experience of what she calls, “Natural Divinity”,through the presence of the Immaculate Heart.
“It’s simple, but not always easy…sometimes you just need a steady hand and heart to hold you, as you learn how to steady yourself.”
Whether it’s in a private sitting or a public gathering, those who have been in KA’ryna’s presence have felt the living miracle of Divine Grace, welcoming them home to the heart of who they truly are.
She is the host & creator of a monthly online gathering, through her Divine Pollination Community Circles, featuring international guest “Pillars of Light” who enhance every circle with their expert wisdom and gifts.
2 hours 30 minutesSacred Sanctuary
Virtual Sanctuary Schedule
Purchase Ticket
The Mass Convergence
Keys and Entrance to our Online Sanctuary suggested Love Donation $33-$55 (sliding Scale for unwaged)
Pay what you want+Ticket service feeSale ended