A Celestial Stellium...Opening of the Solstice Gateways
Thu, Jun 22
|Online Solstice Ceremony and Grand Stellium
Gathering the Golden Liquid Essence of the Heart Rays. As All the Sun-Stars in All Dimensions of Life and Light Join Together in Songs of Praise, We Come in Praise, to Listen & Deepen into the Power of Presence, in The Star of Our Heart. * Sounding * Heart Harmonics * OverLighting * Messages

Time & Location
Jun 22, 2023, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT
Online Solstice Ceremony and Grand Stellium
About the event
I was given 3 dates for this event to happen, at the beginning when the womb-gate is opening, in it's peak, or as the gates are fully open and the energies are flowing through.
So I adjusted it to "Thursday June 22nd" which is most in Alignment with what needs to be delivered!
History of the Message and event:
When I first received the message about a Celestial Stellium or Sun-Star Stellium happening this Solstice...I asked for the meaning and the reason. this is what I recieved.
"A stellium is a grouping of planets in one particular house or sign in astrology...it creates an intense resonance and frequency of consciousness.
In the term we are giving... a Celestial Stelliem or Sun-Star Stellium is the radiant Pulse-Beat Song of Harmonics radiating from a Grand Collective of Solar Radices deriving from all Dimensions.
A Grand Stellium of these, is like a gathering of Celestial Bodies tuning the vibratory frequencies and consciousness of all dimensions of being. As written about in ancient texts, speaking of the time of the shift of all ages..."
The influence of these Cosmic Imprints is also written in our own Genetic Codes and Codex and distributed through the electromagnetic radiations of the interaction between our sun "Solaris" and the earth, "Gaia Terra" .
We can access this Comic Seeding of Light through our own Heart-Star...known as the Sun-vessel or Grail-Cup.
This sine wave pattern of coherent bliss acts upon our heart both physical and spiritual , increasing the velocity of the liquid crystal oscillator, attuning and pumping high-frequency Cosmic Harmonics through our body /being.
Thereby spinning and oscillating our blood; elongating and expanding our D.N.A, and braiding it into a perfect phi ratio pattern of a nested icosidodecahedral torsion field.
I've been listening to the messages of the Aeons of the Ages.... and the message is Clear it is time to gather and open the gifts of the Heart-Star and Sun-Star in our being. Usually I enter into the Gateways of the Solstice in the quiet of my own heart, but have decided to open this communion and communication up for others to gather with me.
Date: Thursday June 22nd
Time: 5-6:30 pm e.s.t ( Toronto Can. time)
Where: Online Zoom
How: Register Below
* It is offered by love donation, as a medicine gift of Light.
* This invitation may be shared with others who will resonate with it's calling
* Each person who enters into this Ceremony will recieve a blessing and an attunement
* Register and join with us live, bring the essence of the magic of your being... or be with us in spirit and heart.
* Ancient Celestial Embodiments & Beings will be with us, as we connect directly through the Portal of own Heart-Star
* Bringing your Intentions, Affirmations and the Gifts of your Being together in a pure alignment of Source, Self and the Stars
We Invite you to join with us…
As you enter Celestial Council and feel the radiant Pulse-Beat Song of a Grand Gathering of Solar Songs from all of Sun-Stars in all the Dimensions.
A Grand Stellium of the Solar deities is a gathering of Celestial Bodies, as written about in ancient texts, speaking of the time of the shift of all ages...
The influence of these Cosmic Imprints is also written in our own Genetic Codes and Codex. We can access this Comic Seed of Light through our own Heart-Star and Expand, Elevate, and Emancipate our being into the fields of enlightenment and ascension.
As we Gather and Connect, marking the dates and times of the Solstices as Celestial Opening Points of higher awareness and awakenings.... We mirror “heavens gate” where the Celestial Bodies of Sun-Stars gather in super-clusters of galactic, universal, and dimensional presence.
* Their songs and Presence of resonant Praise and Love are Funneled into the portal of our local Sun-Star Solaris.
The ancient wise-being's of the earth and stars knew the importance of gathering together on the Solstices and Equinoxes. They resurrected Sacred Monuments, dedicated to the sun and specific constellations of Stars to directly align ourselves with.
Heart resonant altars and temples placed on special nodes of telluric currents, oceans of divine communion and communication, ley lines, song-lines, dragon lines...that we can tap into, to raise our frequency and energy in heart and soul.
Now is the time to gather…now is time to enter into the portal of our own heart-star…now is the time to shine the light of grace.
We Gather the Golden Liquid Essence of the Heart of Creation.
As All the Sun-Stars in All Dimensions of Life and Light, Join Together in Songs of Praise…
" Come in Praise, Listen & Deepen into the Power of Presence of The Star of Your Heart."
About KA'ryna SH'ha:
KA'ryna SH'ha, the voice of "GrandMother Speaks"… Is an internationally acclaimed Mystic Sage, whose Award-Winning Visionary Art, Writings, Choral Singing, and Musicianship have culminated in master teachings on Awakening and Ascending through the Heart.
Known as, “GrandMother AH’LU’ Sha’Mah”…a Conduit of the Universal Oversoul , KA’ryna’s magnetic and powerful presence activates deep chords of wisdom at the heart of humanities true Divine Origins. KA’ryna is trained in the spiritual arts as a Master Shambhala Byung Tau in Advanced Metaphysics, offering the "Sacred Gateways of the Harmonic Heart Masters", in the awakening of Divine Consciousness. Born with a profound gift to peer into the unseen Heart of Creation, Her radiant, sensitive, and loving awareness inspires us to awaken into “The Grace of Presence”; she calls the “Heart-Field” of Enlightenment.
For over 30 years, KA’ryna SH’ha has been honored to share her wisdom and awareness with those ready to acknowledge the “Gift” of who they truly are. Her passion for ceremonial performance and sacred musical arts, have manifested in breathtaking multi-sensory events that transport guests into realms of pure bliss!
Merging diverse talents of… * Visionary Spiritual Arts * Transformative Teachings * Sacred Writings * Living Light-Songs and Sacred Instrumentations * With Guided Meditative Transmissions
-KA’ryna offers us the opportunity for profound and simultaneous shifts in how we align and harmonize ourselves with our true nature.
Her deepest devotional calling is to immerse humanity in a direct experience of what she calls, “Natural Divinity”, through the presence of the Immaculate Heart.
“It’s simple, but not always easy…sometimes you just need a steady hand and heart to hold you, as you learn how to steady yourself.”
Whether it’s in a private sitting or a public gathering, those who have been in KA’ryna’s presence have felt the living miracle of Divine Grace, welcoming them home to the heart of who they truly are.
Purchase Ticket
Solstice Gateway Online Pass
Pay what you want+Ticket service feeSale ended